sâmbătă, 2 decembrie 2017
Abbi - Emotion (2017)
Daniel Nicolae
decembrie 02, 2017
2017, Muzica Dance, noiembrie 2017, Romaneasca, Videoclipuri noi
Asculta si vezi videoclipul "Abbi - Emotion". Lansat de Abbi pe 23 noiembrie 2017. Gen muzical: Dance. Videoclip oficial cu Abbi cantand piesa "Emotion".
Muzica noua Abbi - Emotion | Official Video
Videoclip oficial cu Abbi interpretand single-ul "Emotion".
Biografie Abbi
Abbi, pe numele sau real Bianca Ionita, este nascuta la data de 24.10.1994, in Hunedoara-Romania.
Abbi si-a descoperit pasiunea pentru muzica la varsta de 15 ani. A participat la numeroase concursuri, unde a obtinut premii frumoase, astfel Abbi dorindu-si sa faca urmatorul pas, de a lansa propriile piese.
In mai 2012, castiga concursul national organizat de Europa FM si performeaza in "Garajul EuropaFM", alaturi de Monica Anghel.
Dupa aceasta reusita, incepe colaborarea pentru o buna perioada de timp, cu Connect-r, alaturi de care performeaza din nou in "Garajul Europa FM", chiar in ziua in care a devenit majora, declarand: "Este cel mai frumos cadou pe care il puteam primi la varsta de 18 ani! "
In 2014, colaboreaza cu TWO(ex. Akcent) si lanseaza piesa "Spre soare", varianta in engleza a piesei este "Regrets".
In 2015 s-a nascut proiectul Abbi, fiind artist MediaPro Music.
In ianuarie 2016, Abbi lanseaza primul single "The things we had", compus de George Calin(Deepcentral).
In mai 2016, Abbi lanseaza al doilea single "Mama ei de dragoste", compus de Doddy(Claudiu Polk).
Ca un "cadou muzical" pentru ascultatori, Abbi lanseaza "Fa-o cum trebuie", o alta piesa compusa de Doddy.
In 2017, Abbi lanseaza o piesa de vara, de aceasta data in limba spaniola - "Los Dos".
Hand in hand with emotion
Pull me closer to read your eyes
Your eyes, say that you love me
Let the rain solve the riddle
While we stand in the middle of
Of the skies
Sitting in your arms again
Hold me close just wash the pain
I don't wanna break the chain
Oh no
I just wish I could rewind
To bring back our happy times
Boy our good old happy times
Oh no
X2 Refren:
How I miss you every day
Now your love is far away
I feel this weight on my shoulders
I feel weak can't get stronger, Oh
Bye, bye.. You wanna leave me
Can't you see that is hurting
This just feels like a burden, oh
I can't breathe
Sitting in your arms again
Hold me close just wash the pain
I don't wanna break the chain
Oh no
I just wish I could rewind
To bring back our happy times
Boy our good old happy times
Oh no
X2 Refren:
How I miss you every day
Now your love is far away
In your eyes
I see the world moving in your eyes
In your eyes...
I need your love
Unconditionally, Oh I need
Your love
X2 Refren:
How I miss you every day
Now your love is far away
Hand in hand with emotion
Pull me closer to read your eyes
Your eyes, say that you love me
Abbi - Emotion (2017)
Reviewed by Daniel Nicolae
decembrie 02, 2017
Rating: 5

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